This picture makes me crack up - my one and only attempt at
karaoke - caught on film!

Sue and I at the beach in
Vero - we had such a good time

Lisa & I trying to "ice skate" on the lake - I remember that Sue was pregnant with Sierra.

This was Sue and I at Phil and
Arvilla's wedding I've been told - I sure
don't remember it.

Sue, Buffy and I one Christmas at Backus Rd, I think we were wearing maxi dresses that
Gramma Landers made us.

Sue and I one Christmas - me before I had boobs!! and I think the chocolate I was eating was yucky.

Sue and I posing on the "pet rock" at Backus Rd - she was a princess at the Jr. Prom - I look thrilled don't I - with a mouth full of braces.

Lisa and I - I was a huge baby!

Lisa and I on the lawn in front of the little pink house in
Vero I think Kelly or Chip was next to us but all you can see are an arm and a leg.

Lisa and I giggling in bed.

Cousin Lyle, Me and Lisa under the huge trees that lined
Gramma Lin's driveway at the farm.

Lisa and I one Christmas morning - what was on my head?
These are copies of gift scrap books that I made for my sisters for one Christmas - nothing wonderful but very meaningful to the three of us.
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